Evaluation of the efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia theme
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ABSTRACT by WAC 14.00.05, PhD Dmitrieva Ekaterina
ABSTRACT titled "Evaluation of the effectiveness of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia." disserCat - Scientific Electronic Library.
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Product code: 320046
Author of scientific work:
Dmitrieva, Ekaterina
PhD Degree:
Place thesis defense:
Code Special WAC:
internal Medicine
Number of Pages:
Contents PhD dissertation Dmitrieva Ekaterina
Full Article Here
1. Introduction 4 p. A. The urgency of the problem. b. The purpose of this study. c. Objectives of the study. d. Scientific novelty. e. The practical significance of the work. f. Introduction. g. Issues for protection.
2. Chapter I. Review of the literature 9, p.
3. Chapter II Materials and methods 39 p. A. The stages of the study. b. Methods for studying the antimicrobial activity of vapors of essential oils in vitro against major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia. c. Research Methods in Clinical evaluation of safety and efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Chapter 4. Research Results Sh 53 p. A. The results of experimental studies in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to the strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia b. The results for the clinical evaluation of safety and efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy with community-acquired pneumonia. Results of the study of inhalation of vapors immunotropic activity of essential oil of red thyme patients vnebol nichnoy pneumonia.
5. Chapter IV. Obsunadenie research results 80 p.
Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on "Estimating the efficiency of inhalation of essential oils in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia complex"
The urgency of the problem.
Pneumonia remains one of the most widespread disease of industrial society (meets at 315 per 1,000 population, mortality from community-acquired pneumonia is 5% to 20% of nosocomial, older 30%). It should be noted that in recent years in our country, there is a steady upward trend in mortality from pneumonia and increased hospital mortality (Idrisov EM 2004). All this determines the relevance of research and development of new treatments.
Also a major problem is the low level of diagnosis of pneumonia (estimated A.G.Chuchalina about 60% of cases is not recognized), the lack of a uniform classification, the growth is particularly severe forms of pneumonia, an increased incidence of antibiotic resistance and the development of allergic reactions associated with the uncontrolled use of antimicrobials and their free vacation in the pharmacy network. (44). In these conditions requires the development and introduction of new methods that make it possible to reduce the duration of treatment and the need for preparations containing the chemical components that give side effects, allergic reactions and addictive to them. / Kokosov AN, 2005 /
It should be borne in mind that the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia is a problem not only medical but also social and economic as well as the costs of treating patients with this disease are increasing, making 6-8 thousand Euro in European countries, in the US reaching 15,000 euros each patient.
One of the major problems associated with the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, is the development of microbial resistance to antimicrobials used / Sinopapnikov AI, 2005 /. This is largely dependent on the frequency of use of a particular class of antibacterial drugs in the practical work, and the data on antibiotic resistance vary not only by country but also in the cities (and even areas of the city). In this regard, given the high variability of the results, it is necessary studies to identify the causes of community-acquired pneumonia etiology and level of antibiotic resistance in all European countries (123). Most medical and social importance of the problem of the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia determines the considerable efforts that are spent on the search for new treatments for patients with this disease. Such methods include the use of inhalation and essential oils. It has been known beneficial effects of essential oils of many plants, such as eucalyptus, sage, lavender et al. On respiratory system (38). Also work with a demonstrably expressed immunotropic activity of essential oils in the treatment of diseases of broncho-pulmonary system (29). These treatment methods are widely used in folk medicine in many countries, however, lack the evidence base their performance, their lack of a clear and standardization of methods of individual applications do not allow wide use of this method of treatment in clinical practice. Based on the above, it can be assumed that the study of the mechanisms of action of essential oils, the use of standardized methods and their introduction into clinical practice for complex treatment of patients with infectious inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract is an important task of modern pulmonology, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment in this group of patients .
All of the above and the purpose and objectives of our study.
The purpose of this study.
Evaluation of efficacy and safety of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia.
Objectives of the study.
1. Experimental study of in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to the strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia.
2. Evaluate the safety of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
3. To assess the clinical efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
4. To study the effect of inhalation of essential oils on the state of humoral and cellular immunity in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
5. To develop the optimal regimen and practical recommendations for the use of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Scientific novelty.
An experimental study in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to modern strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia (S .pneumoniae, K.pneumoniae, H.influezae, S.aureus). For the first time a comprehensive analysis of the action of inhalation of essential oils on the humoral and cellular immune status of patients revealed a correlation of changes of immunological and biochemical parameters of the dynamics of the clinical picture of the disease. A method for the treatment of pneumonia with the use of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy.
The practical significance of the work.
Our proposed method of inhalation treatment vapors of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia due to the antibacterial and immunotropic actions to accelerate the resolution of inflammation in the lungs, reducing the time of hospital stay in the absence of the period of observation of side effects from the therapy. Also, the proposed method can be used for the prevention of infectious inflammation in the lungs of patients in risk groups (patients with immunodeficiency, patients who have had SARS or influenza, prevention of nosocomial pneumonia in hospitalized patients).
The experimental and clinical data are expanding concepts of the mechanisms of action of essential oils on the human body.
Method of treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia with inhaled essential oils introduced into the practice of pulmonary department GKB№70 and Laboratories pulmonology department of clinical medicine Nims MSMSU. The research results are used in the pedagogical process at the Department of Immunology and the Laboratory MSMSU pulmonology department of clinical medicine Nims MSMSU.
Materials of work presented at the annual XIII National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in St. Petersburg, 2003, XIV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in Moscow in 2004, at the XV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in Moscow in 2005. According to the materials of the dissertation published 5 publications.
Issues for protection.
1. Antibacterial efficacy of vapors of essential oils in relation to the main pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia.
2. The positive influence of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy for community-acquired pneumonia.
3. Activity Immunotropic application inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Conclusion dissertation on "Internal Medicine", Dmitrieva, Ekaterina
1. In an in vitro study revealed that the highest antimicrobial activity against strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia (St. pneumoniae ZTZ, H. Influenzae № 964, H. Influenzae № 1095 H. Influenzae beskaps. № 9, H. Influenzae demon doghouse. № 11, K. Pneumoniae K-16, K. Pneumoniae K-2, K. Pneumoniae K-204, S. Auerus 1991) of essential oil of red thyme.
2. Essential oils of eucalyptus and basil in vitro are effective only against St. Pneumoniae ZTZ and lavender - S. Aureus 1991. Adding essential oils of basil and eucalyptus to red thyme reduces its antimicrobial activity.
3. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme in complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia is a safe method of treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
4. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme in the complex therapy is an effective treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, contributing to a more rapid resolution of infiltrative changes in the lungs, reduce inflammation in the bronchial tree, reducing the length of stay in hospital.
5. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme have immunotropic activity, manifested in the increase in the number of T-lymphocytes and the functional activity of phagocytes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. and
Practical recommendations:
1. In light of the progress made in the data for patients with CAP recommended the use of inhaled vapors of essential oil of red thyme daily 5 minutes, 1 times a day, for 7 days in the complex treatment of this disease.
2. In the course of examination and treatment recommended conducting immunological examination, which must include phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes, the definition of the functional activity of phagocytes, the content IgA, IgM, IgG and serum total IgE.
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ABSTRACT by WAC 14.00.05, PhD Dmitrieva Ekaterina
ABSTRACT titled "Evaluation of the effectiveness of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia." disserCat - Scientific Electronic Library.
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Product code: 320046
Author of scientific work:
Dmitrieva, Ekaterina
PhD Degree:
Place thesis defense:
Code Special WAC:
internal Medicine
Number of Pages:
Contents PhD dissertation Dmitrieva Ekaterina
Full Article Here
1. Introduction 4 p. A. The urgency of the problem. b. The purpose of this study. c. Objectives of the study. d. Scientific novelty. e. The practical significance of the work. f. Introduction. g. Issues for protection.
2. Chapter I. Review of the literature 9, p.
3. Chapter II Materials and methods 39 p. A. The stages of the study. b. Methods for studying the antimicrobial activity of vapors of essential oils in vitro against major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia. c. Research Methods in Clinical evaluation of safety and efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Chapter 4. Research Results Sh 53 p. A. The results of experimental studies in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to the strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia b. The results for the clinical evaluation of safety and efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy with community-acquired pneumonia. Results of the study of inhalation of vapors immunotropic activity of essential oil of red thyme patients vnebol nichnoy pneumonia.
5. Chapter IV. Obsunadenie research results 80 p.
Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on "Estimating the efficiency of inhalation of essential oils in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia complex"
The urgency of the problem.
Pneumonia remains one of the most widespread disease of industrial society (meets at 315 per 1,000 population, mortality from community-acquired pneumonia is 5% to 20% of nosocomial, older 30%). It should be noted that in recent years in our country, there is a steady upward trend in mortality from pneumonia and increased hospital mortality (Idrisov EM 2004). All this determines the relevance of research and development of new treatments.
Also a major problem is the low level of diagnosis of pneumonia (estimated A.G.Chuchalina about 60% of cases is not recognized), the lack of a uniform classification, the growth is particularly severe forms of pneumonia, an increased incidence of antibiotic resistance and the development of allergic reactions associated with the uncontrolled use of antimicrobials and their free vacation in the pharmacy network. (44). In these conditions requires the development and introduction of new methods that make it possible to reduce the duration of treatment and the need for preparations containing the chemical components that give side effects, allergic reactions and addictive to them. / Kokosov AN, 2005 /
It should be borne in mind that the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia is a problem not only medical but also social and economic as well as the costs of treating patients with this disease are increasing, making 6-8 thousand Euro in European countries, in the US reaching 15,000 euros each patient.
One of the major problems associated with the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, is the development of microbial resistance to antimicrobials used / Sinopapnikov AI, 2005 /. This is largely dependent on the frequency of use of a particular class of antibacterial drugs in the practical work, and the data on antibiotic resistance vary not only by country but also in the cities (and even areas of the city). In this regard, given the high variability of the results, it is necessary studies to identify the causes of community-acquired pneumonia etiology and level of antibiotic resistance in all European countries (123). Most medical and social importance of the problem of the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia determines the considerable efforts that are spent on the search for new treatments for patients with this disease. Such methods include the use of inhalation and essential oils. It has been known beneficial effects of essential oils of many plants, such as eucalyptus, sage, lavender et al. On respiratory system (38). Also work with a demonstrably expressed immunotropic activity of essential oils in the treatment of diseases of broncho-pulmonary system (29). These treatment methods are widely used in folk medicine in many countries, however, lack the evidence base their performance, their lack of a clear and standardization of methods of individual applications do not allow wide use of this method of treatment in clinical practice. Based on the above, it can be assumed that the study of the mechanisms of action of essential oils, the use of standardized methods and their introduction into clinical practice for complex treatment of patients with infectious inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract is an important task of modern pulmonology, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment in this group of patients .
All of the above and the purpose and objectives of our study.
The purpose of this study.
Evaluation of efficacy and safety of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia.
Objectives of the study.
1. Experimental study of in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to the strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia.
2. Evaluate the safety of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
3. To assess the clinical efficacy of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
4. To study the effect of inhalation of essential oils on the state of humoral and cellular immunity in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
5. To develop the optimal regimen and practical recommendations for the use of inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Scientific novelty.
An experimental study in vitro microbiological activity of essential oils in relation to modern strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia (S .pneumoniae, K.pneumoniae, H.influezae, S.aureus). For the first time a comprehensive analysis of the action of inhalation of essential oils on the humoral and cellular immune status of patients revealed a correlation of changes of immunological and biochemical parameters of the dynamics of the clinical picture of the disease. A method for the treatment of pneumonia with the use of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy.
The practical significance of the work.
Our proposed method of inhalation treatment vapors of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia due to the antibacterial and immunotropic actions to accelerate the resolution of inflammation in the lungs, reducing the time of hospital stay in the absence of the period of observation of side effects from the therapy. Also, the proposed method can be used for the prevention of infectious inflammation in the lungs of patients in risk groups (patients with immunodeficiency, patients who have had SARS or influenza, prevention of nosocomial pneumonia in hospitalized patients).
The experimental and clinical data are expanding concepts of the mechanisms of action of essential oils on the human body.
Method of treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia with inhaled essential oils introduced into the practice of pulmonary department GKB№70 and Laboratories pulmonology department of clinical medicine Nims MSMSU. The research results are used in the pedagogical process at the Department of Immunology and the Laboratory MSMSU pulmonology department of clinical medicine Nims MSMSU.
Materials of work presented at the annual XIII National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in St. Petersburg, 2003, XIV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in Moscow in 2004, at the XV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases in Moscow in 2005. According to the materials of the dissertation published 5 publications.
Issues for protection.
1. Antibacterial efficacy of vapors of essential oils in relation to the main pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia.
2. The positive influence of inhalation of essential oils in the complex therapy for community-acquired pneumonia.
3. Activity Immunotropic application inhalation of essential oils in the complex treatment of community-acquired pneumonia.
Conclusion dissertation on "Internal Medicine", Dmitrieva, Ekaterina
1. In an in vitro study revealed that the highest antimicrobial activity against strains of major pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia (St. pneumoniae ZTZ, H. Influenzae № 964, H. Influenzae № 1095 H. Influenzae beskaps. № 9, H. Influenzae demon doghouse. № 11, K. Pneumoniae K-16, K. Pneumoniae K-2, K. Pneumoniae K-204, S. Auerus 1991) of essential oil of red thyme.
2. Essential oils of eucalyptus and basil in vitro are effective only against St. Pneumoniae ZTZ and lavender - S. Aureus 1991. Adding essential oils of basil and eucalyptus to red thyme reduces its antimicrobial activity.
3. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme in complex therapy of community-acquired pneumonia is a safe method of treatment of patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
4. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme in the complex therapy is an effective treatment of community-acquired pneumonia, contributing to a more rapid resolution of infiltrative changes in the lungs, reduce inflammation in the bronchial tree, reducing the length of stay in hospital.
5. Inhalation of essential oil of red thyme have immunotropic activity, manifested in the increase in the number of T-lymphocytes and the functional activity of phagocytes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. and
Practical recommendations:
1. In light of the progress made in the data for patients with CAP recommended the use of inhaled vapors of essential oil of red thyme daily 5 minutes, 1 times a day, for 7 days in the complex treatment of this disease.
2. In the course of examination and treatment recommended conducting immunological examination, which must include phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes, the definition of the functional activity of phagocytes, the content IgA, IgM, IgG and serum total IgE.
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